Inside Voice with Joyce: Music, Drugs, and my “Deadhead” Grandson

My darling grandson, Kevin, is 17 years of age, and we love him dearly. We’ve witnessed him morph from a tiny little munchkin into the strapping, handsome young lad that he is today.

He has truly blessed me and Denny, and watching him grow up has been a bittersweet experience for us to say the least.

That being said, Kevin hasn’t always been a perfect little boo bear.

Dennison and I did our best to steer him onto the right path, but that boy is headstrong! He always wanted to play those violent killing & shootering games and listen to the beepity boppity music with the swear words and sexual undertones, and his parents let him!

I think about him playing on that Y-Box 316 and oh how my heart aches!

But recently he has been doing something just horrible, and I feel that the time has come for me to put my foot down and tell him to stop it! Fellow Grandmas, hear me out!

Kevin has been listening to this musical group, the “Grateful Dead”, (just the name gives me the willies, why would anyone be grateful to be dead?) and it’s really troubling me. The girlfriends and I have read some of the lyrics, and they are chock-full of drug references, satanism, and sexual perversion!

My girlfriend, Beth, says that her first boyfriend, Carlyle, listened to this “Grateful Dead” group when they were first becoming popular. She recalled that he and his hobo friend group would listen to them on the record player all day long, just sitting there smoking doobies! She also said that if you liked the Grateful Dead, you were a drug-taking liberal known as a “Deadhead.”  

Not only is their fanbase a bunch of junked-out derelicts, but she also said their mascots were innocent-looking teddy bears, which at first I found quite cute. Low and behold, they had the nerve to desecrate that sacred symbol of childhood, as all of those fuzzy, colorful bears represent Lysergic acid diethylamide, otherwise known on the streets as LSD!

I don’t want my Kevie Bevie becoming a bum!

Beth also informed me that people never listened to their music because of its quality, rather they tuned in because of the music’s drug culture that makes it seem “cool” or “hip.” Does he just listen to these fornicaters because it will make him “cool”?

Because if so, Kevin sweetie I already think you’re the coolest cutie patootie grandson a grandmother could ever ask for!

Now, I thought we raised him right. We always told that boy three things: 1) Always be yourself, 2) Never do anything to be cool, instead do things because they are right and 3) don’t read that Harry Potter witchcraft.

I feel like he is trying to be “someone else” in order to “fit in” at his high school!

(Kevin if you’re reading this I want you to know that I love you for who you are, you don’t need to dabble in the hippie-dippie lifestyle to be cool! Kids will accept you for who you are, and who you are is wonderful!)

My girlfriend Nancy suggested we just tell him the truth about the slippery slope that he is blindly stumbling down, but every time Denny or I tell that boy, “If you keep listening to that hippy band, you’re going to die of a marijuana overdose,” he just laughs in our faces!

Grandmas, what do I need to do to get this boy on the right path?

Joyce is a nationally-syndicated columnist from Edinburgh, Indiana. She loves spending time with her husband, her family, and her friends.

You can ask her for grandmotherly advice at

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