Accounting major cracks joke

BREAKING: Accounting major Tom Bennett cracked a joke during an upper-level accounting class in what has been called an “unheard-of endeavor.”

The college senior says he was sitting in class, like usual, and had a “strange, unusual” urge to “embrace something that I haven’t felt in years.”

“I had this emotional response to something my professor said, and I just had this urge to say something funny,” Bennett said. “It reminded me of when I was a child.”

“I sit next to Tom in class,” student Holly Smith said. “I had no idea what he was doing. It was so unconventional.”

Reports say that Bennett “uttered an inhumane sound similar to that of a hyena” and then raised his hand to be called upon by the professor.

He then told the first joke of his life, which, consequently, is believed to be the first ever joke told at the accounting program that is not directly related to accounting.

“I just raised my hand so I could, um, what’s the phrase? So I could ‘crack a joke.'” Bennett said.

“I said, ‘Knock knock’ but no one answered, so after a few seconds of silence I just decided not to say anything else,” Bennett said. “It was pretty funny.”

Bennett said the professor had a talk with him after class to inform him that such disruption had no value.

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